Reality is a perception. Perceptions are not always based on facts, and are strongly influenced by illusions. Inquisitiveness is hence indispensable

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Behind the interview door

Getting a job is a momentous occasion. No matter, how much you yearn - you always go through the dreaded interview phase. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not saying that interviews have to be miserable. I am used to sitting on either side of the desk. While it is a joy to interview candidates who fit the bill; It rarely happens. No amount of preparation can guarantee a success. Interviewees aspire to go by the ‘book’ (answering everything under the sun). However good interviewers don’t go by the book, they are great listeners. I had many a great opportunity to share the hall with some of them and I found the lessons invaluable. I am writing this for the benefit of many, with whom I shared and will share the experience.
While CV may say many things, there are certain things which become obvious only during the human interaction. The most prominent ones are below (in no particular order). The traits that make an interviewee most endearing are the ones I listed below.

Confidence/ Humility:

Do this by the correct measure. Don’t miss the hallmark listed in bold (the Job description). If it is for a sales/marketing/PR alike position, you can get away by overselling yourselves. For technical interview never promise things which you cannot deliver. I will let you a secret, the other side of the bench, also comprises of human beings, who themselves have done as many mistakes as you have done, if not more. They will be your future colleagues/supervisors. They reached their current position by committing those errors and are quite wary.
So what is the right measure? Simple tell them what you are good at, what you like and what you have done. It may not be a good idea to tell them what you don’t want, if you desperately need the job. In the long run however, you will find that the decent interviewer rejected you, not because you were bad but because you deserved better. I have been rejected roles in the final rounds with the comment from senior managers/leads saying there is an ‘aspiration mismatch’. Why hire a horse to do the donkeys’ work?

Presence of mind:

Listen, always listen first and ask for time if required. Ask sensible questions, If making a guess – spell it out loudly (I am not sure, can I guess!) It does wonders. There are dumb questions which get thrown to you, and smart answers which make the rational clear. Don’t jump the context unless you have struck a chord with the interviewer’s wavelength.
Interviewers also fumble; their wording is confusing at times, so ask questions so that you can think better. Do this before you admit defeat. If a interviewer is keen, hints will be thrown to you, counter points will be raised. This is your chance to take control. See someone is genuinely willing to hear you!


If above fails, admit your lack of knowledge or ignorance. It may be a morale breaker for you, but definitely not for the interview. People wish to judge on the merit and the intent. You won’t be punished for your lack of know how. No one can master every damn thing, but you definitely need to master the relevant. Even an indication that you are on the right course is a welcoming sight. There are only two things one has to do, communicate things which one has done and create trust about your ability to learn and adapt to new factors.

Never assume that you can drive the interview:

While it is true that most interviews have a defined timeline. It is never a good idea to gauge by the number of interviews and duration. The real metric is the quality of the hire. Technical folks tend to be adamant, so unless you give answers they don’t relent. It is never a good idea to procrastinate/show-off. Questions which ask you about your areas of comfort are to be viewed as the opening gambit. Sometimes pretty straight questions may come asking you to rate yourselves. The number is asked to judge ones perception of caliber and not as an answer. It is the interviewers’ job to do that. The best thing one can do is blend with the flow, like a sugar cube in milk, not obvious but definitely perceivable.
Interviewers also ask questions which sound dumb or outrageous; this is done just to set a context like a cold start.

  1. Think and communicate your thoughts/concerns

  2. Raise questions and point out flaws (politely)
    Wait for the control to be given to you, pounce by giving relevant examples from your experience.

  3. Always keep in mind that your preparation has started since the day you started working (or you joined college) and continual learning is indispensable.

  4. Never badmouth anyone. Infact this is one place where you can show-off you diplomatic skills.

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About Me

Well for a start, I dont' want to!. Yes I am reclusive, no I am not secretive; Candid? Yes; Aspergers? No :). My friends call me an enthusiast, my boss calls me purist, I call myself an explorer, to summarise; just an inquisitive child who didnt'learn to take things for granted. For the sake of living, I work as a S/W engineer. If you dont' know what it means, turn back right now.