Reality is a perception. Perceptions are not always based on facts, and are strongly influenced by illusions. Inquisitiveness is hence indispensable

Monday, December 20, 2010

Importance of layout design in GXT/Sencha

Views tend to be dynamic. That is what web2.0 is all about! However we tend to run into murky waters, especially when the requirements tend to be even more dynamic. Since the past couple of months I have been working on a codebase with a set of requirements that tend to fall into 'feature creep' territory. As any other developer, handling the people aspect itself is a challenge. One would definitely strive to keep the technical challenges to a minimum.

AJAX UI's have an implicit uncertainity overhead. In the case of GXT it is inability of the framework to re-render a component. The conversation thread goes like this:
them: I need a table to show contents, with pagination support
me: OK!
. couple of weeks later...
them: Can I have client side filter, you know what i kind of feel lost in the haystack
me: Ok!
. couple of weeks later...
them: That was great, every thing is fantasitc. I was wondering if the filtering can can happen on serverside as well
me: ?!! Ok, lets try. Hey done
. couple of weeks later...
them: Can I have edit feature?
me: Sigh! ok.
. couple of weeks later...
them: Now see, I want a notification to popup if there are any unsave changes
me: (What do I do? Where should I incorporate the trigger point? What happens if the user does something else? Should I go with the ugly popup dialogs.Grrr..) Ok

Wait, GXT why don't you support dynamic modifications to rendered components!

Road block

Now to address this in a sane fashion, I have to design my panels with the highest possible widgets and hide them, only to reenable them later. Like most UI developers I feel frustrated as the code base of the last 6 months tends to look like a ragshack. Rewritting it is easy (3-4 days) but why is the world so cruel :(

Over the weekend I wrote the most crucial components, adding sanity and fresh breath of life to myself and people down the line. I know that the challenge is not yet over. Atleast I am wise enought to understand the technical challenges involved. Blessed are thou, whose get a standardised requirement specification. End of my rant

Thursday, May 20, 2010

GWT: Illustrating usage of previous components

Let the code do the talking.

Scenario: Using a listener

RenderGrid is a class responsible for drawing tables when some event strikes

public class RenderGrid {

private MessageSender sender = new MessageSender();

private MessageListener<RenderGrid> listener = new MessageListener<RenderGrid>(this){
public void messageRecieved(MessageEvent event) {
some super foo bar
sender.fireEvent(new MessageEvent(IEventConstants.UNMASK_APP_EVENT));
else if(event.getEventType().equals(IEventConstants.MULTI_TABLE_FETCH_EVENT)){
MultiViewModel multiViewModel = (MultiViewModel) event.getNewValue();
else if(event.getEventType().equals(IEventConstants.CATEGORY_FETCH_EVENT)){
more foo bar


private TabPanel tabPanel = null;
private TableHelper tableHelper = null;

RenderGrid(TabPanel tabPanel){
this.tabPanel = tabPanel;
tableHelper = new TableHelper(tabPanel);


Scenario: Using a sender

SubmitButtonListener listens to form button, and then creates a transfer-object from the form contents and passes its as an event on to the message bus
public class SubmitButtonListener extends SelectionListener {
private FormPanel formPanel = null;
private MessageSender sender = new MessageSender();

public SubmitButtonListener(FormPanel formPanel) {
String formHeader = formPanel.getHeading();
if(formHeader == null || formHeader.trim().isEmpty()){
throw new RuntimeException("Form needs to have a header, contract violation in "+this);
this.formPanel = formPanel;

public void componentSelected(ComponentEvent ce) {
String formHeader = formPanel.getHeading();
FormBean bean = FormBeanFactory.createFormBean(formPanel);
sender.fireEvent(new MessageEvent(formHeader,null,bean));


GWT-GXT Building message-event framework/bus

I decided to go with the simplest event model, based on message broad-cast. The fundamental principle is to have a central universal listener and receiver, all interested parties would hang-around this guy.

| |
Sender1 -------\ | | |------ Listener 1
Sender2 --------\-----| Event- |------|------ Listener 2
Sender3 --------/-----| Bus |------|------ Listener 3
Sender4 -------/ | | |------ Listener 4
| |


package org.myxyz.listeners;


import org.myxyz.custom.X10HandlerManager;
import org.myxyz.custom.X10HandlerRegistration;

public class MessageSender{

private static final long serialVersionUID = -382336739840212254L;

private MessageExchange exchange = MessageExchange.getMessageExchange();
private X10HandlerManager sender = null;

public MessageSender() {
sender = new X10HandlerManager(this);
X10HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration = sender.addHandler(MessageEvent.getType(), exchange);
exchange.registerSender(this, handlerRegistration);

* Fire an event.
public void fireEvent(MessageEvent event) {



package org.myxyz.listeners;


public abstract class MessageListener<T> implements EventHandler{

private MessageExchange exchange = MessageExchange.getMessageExchange();
private T source = null;

public MessageListener(){


public MessageListener(T source){
this.source = source;

public T getSource(){
return source;

public abstract void messageRecieved(MessageEvent pEvent);



package org.myxyz.listeners;

import org.myxyz.custom.X10GwtEvent;


public class MessageEvent extends X10GwtEvent<MessageListener> {

private static final X10GwtEvent.Type<MessageListener> TYPE = new X10GwtEvent.Type<MessageListener>();
private String eventType = null;
private Object newValue = null;
private Object oldValue = null;
private Object source = null;

public static Type<MessageListener> getType() {
return TYPE;

public MessageEvent(String eventType) {
this.eventType = eventType;

public MessageEvent(String eventType, Object oldValue, Object newValue) {
this.eventType = eventType;
this.oldValue = oldValue;
this.newValue = newValue;

public MessageEvent(String eventType, Object oldValue, Object newValue, Object source) {
this.eventType = eventType;
this.oldValue = oldValue;
this.newValue = newValue;
this.source = source;

protected void dispatch(MessageListener handler) {

public Type<MessageListener> getAssociatedType() {
return TYPE;

public String getEventType() {
return eventType;

public Object getNewValue() {
return newValue;

public Object getOldValue() {
return oldValue;

public Object getSource() {
return source;


package org.myxyz.listeners;

import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;

import org.myxyz.custom.X10HandlerManager;
import org.myxyz.custom.X10HandlerRegistration;

public class MessageExchange extends MessageListener {

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1623583201346713682L;
private static final MessageExchange singleton = new MessageExchange();

private X10HandlerManager dispatcher = new X10HandlerManager(this);
private HashMap<MessageSender,X10HandlerRegistration> registeredSenders = new HashMap<MessageSender,X10HandlerRegistration>(10);
private HashMap<MessageListener,X10HandlerRegistration> registeredListeners = new HashMap<MessageListener,X10HandlerRegistration>(10);

public static MessageExchange getMessageExchange(){
return singleton;

private MessageExchange() {

public void messageRecieved(MessageEvent pEvent) {

public synchronized <H extends EventHandler> X10HandlerRegistration addHandler(MessageListener handler) {
X10HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration = registeredListeners.get(handler);
if(handlerRegistration == null) {
handlerRegistration = dispatcher.addHandler(MessageEvent.getType(), handler);
registeredListeners.put(handler, handlerRegistration);
return handlerRegistration;

public int getHandlerCount() {
return dispatcher.getHandlerCount(MessageEvent.getType());

public synchronized <H extends EventHandler> void removeHandler(MessageListener handler) {
if(registeredListeners.get(handler) != null){

public synchronized void registerSender(MessageSender sender, X10HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration){
if(handlerRegistration != null) {
registeredSenders.put(sender, handlerRegistration);

public synchronized void unRegisterSender(MessageSender sender){
X10HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration = registeredSenders.get(sender);
if(handlerRegistration != null) {

protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
for (Iterator<X10HandlerRegistration> iterator = registeredListeners.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
X10HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration =;
for (Iterator<X10HandlerRegistration> iterator = registeredSenders.values().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
X10HandlerRegistration handlerRegistration =;


GXT-GWT fixing the transmission

Why reinvent the wheel

Simply said, the wheel is ok, the transmission is bad; the chassis is not strong enough. So I am starting with it! Sorry for the uber-sized post. The following three files are actually provided by GWT framework and I had to extend them to fix one issue with the code. I have created a custom package, which contains these files. My event-driven framework is centered around this building block.

Finally, this code is governed by apache licence. (Not me, Google says so). Please respect it, even though it is no rocket science ;)

Customized code from GWT HandlerManager

private <H extends EventHandler> List<H> handleQueuedAddsAndRemoves() {
List<H> handlers = new ArrayList<H>(10);
if (deferredDeltas != null) {
try {
for (AddOrRemoveCommand c : deferredDeltas) {
EventHandler newHander = c.execute();
/*Here was a problem, that exists no more*/
if(newHander != null){
handlers.add((H) newHander);
} finally {
deferredDeltas = null;
return handlers;

The complete set of modified files

Extended HandlerManager :: X10HandlerManager

* This is customized version of HandlerManager provided by google. The purpose of this
* extension is to enable user triggered events to bypass ISSUE 101
* Fixed ISSUE 101: To support event handling when event handlers are added as part of event processing
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.myxyz.custom;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;

import org.myxyz.custom.X10GwtEvent.Type;

* Manager responsible for adding handlers to event sources and firing those
* handlers on passed in events.
public class X10HandlerManager {
public static int CONFIGURED_DEPTH = 5;
* Interface for queued add/remove operations.
private interface AddOrRemoveCommand {
/*ISSUE 101*/
public EventHandler execute();

* Inner class used to actually contain the handlers.
private static class HandlerRegistry {
private final HashMap<X10GwtEvent.Type<?>, ArrayList<?>> map = new HashMap<X10GwtEvent.Type<?>, ArrayList<?>>();

private <H extends EventHandler> void addHandler(Type<H> type, H handler) {
ArrayList<H> l = get(type);
if (l == null) {
l = new ArrayList<H>();
map.put(type, l);

private <H extends EventHandler> void fireEvent(X10GwtEvent<H> event, boolean isReverseOrder) {
Type<H> type = event.getAssociatedType();
int count = getHandlerCount(type);
if (isReverseOrder) {
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
H handler = this.<H> getHandler(type, i);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
H handler = this.<H> getHandler(type, i);

/* ISSUE 101 */
private <T extends EventHandler> void fireForSkippedHandler(X10GwtEvent<T> event, boolean isReverseOrder, List<T> handlers) {

int count = handlers.size();
if (isReverseOrder) {
for (int i = count - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
T handler = handlers.get(i);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
T handler = handlers.get(i);

private <H> ArrayList<H> get(X10GwtEvent.Type<H> type) {
// This cast is safe because we control the puts.
return (ArrayList<H>) map.get(type);

private <H extends EventHandler> H getHandler(X10GwtEvent.Type<H> eventKey, int index) {
ArrayList<H> l = get(eventKey);
return l.get(index);

private int getHandlerCount(X10GwtEvent.Type<?> eventKey) {
ArrayList<?> l = map.get(eventKey);
return l == null ? 0 : l.size();

private boolean isEventHandled(X10GwtEvent.Type<?> eventKey) {
return map.containsKey(eventKey);

private <H> void removeHandler(X10GwtEvent.Type<H> eventKey, H handler) {
ArrayList<H> l = get(eventKey);
boolean result = l.remove(handler);
if (l.size() == 0) {
assert result : "Tried to remove unknown handler: " + handler + " from " + eventKey;

private int firingDepth = 0;
private boolean isReverseOrder;

// map storing the actual handlers
private HandlerRegistry registry;

// source of the event.
private final Object source;

// Add and remove operations received during dispatch.
private List<AddOrRemoveCommand> deferredDeltas;

* Creates a handler manager with the given source. Handlers will be fired
* in the order that they are added.
* @param source
* the event source
public X10HandlerManager(Object source) {
this(source, false);

* Creates a handler manager with the given source, specifying the order in
* which handlers are fired.
* @param source
* the event source
* @param fireInReverseOrder
* true to fire handlers in reverse order
public X10HandlerManager(Object source, boolean fireInReverseOrder) {
registry = new HandlerRegistry();
this.source = source;
this.isReverseOrder = fireInReverseOrder;

* Adds a handle.
* @param <H>
* The type of handler
* @param type
* the event type associated with this handler
* @param handler
* the handler
* @return the handler registration, can be stored in order to remove the
* handler later
public <H extends EventHandler> X10HandlerRegistration addHandler(X10GwtEvent.Type<H> type, final H handler) {
assert type != null : "Cannot add a handler with a null type";
assert handler != null : "Cannot add a null handler";
if (firingDepth > 0) {
enqueueAdd(type, handler);
} else {
doAdd(type, handler);

return new X10HandlerRegistration(this, type, handler);

* Fires the given event to the handlers listening to the event's type.
* Note, any subclass should be very careful about overriding this method,
* as adds/removes of handlers will not be safe except within this
* implementation.
* @param event
* the event
public <H extends EventHandler> void fireEvent(X10GwtEvent<H> event) {
// If it not live we should revive it.
if (!event.isLive()) {
Object oldSource = event.getSource();
try {

registry.fireEvent(event, isReverseOrder);

} finally {
/*ISSUE 101*/
int eventTries = 0;
do {
List<H> newHandlers = handleQueuedAddsAndRemoves();
/* pass the event to newly added handlers alone */
registry.fireForSkippedHandler(event, isReverseOrder, newHandlers);
} while(eventTries < CONFIGURED_DEPTH && deferredDeltas != null);
if (oldSource == null) {
// This was my event, so I should kill it now that I'm done.
} else {
// Restoring the source for the next handler to use.


* Gets the handler at the given index.
* @param <H>
* the event handler type
* @param index
* the index
* @param type
* the handler's event type
* @return the given handler
public <H extends EventHandler> H getHandler(X10GwtEvent.Type<H> type, int index) {
assert index < getHandlerCount(type) : "handlers for " + type.getClass() + " have size: " + getHandlerCount(type)
+ " so do not have a handler at index: " + index;
return registry.getHandler(type, index);

* Gets the number of handlers listening to the event type.
* @param type
* the event type
* @return the number of registered handlers
public int getHandlerCount(Type<?> type) {
return registry.getHandlerCount(type);

* Does this handler manager handle the given event type?
* @param e
* the event type
* @return whether the given event type is handled
public boolean isEventHandled(Type<?> e) {
return registry.isEventHandled(e);

* Removes the given handler from the specified event type. Normally,
* applications should call {@link HandlerRegistration#removeHandler()}
* instead.
* @param <H>
* handler type
* @param type
* the event type
* @param handler
* the handler
* @deprecated This method is likely to be removed along with "listener"
* interfaces in a future release. If you have a reason it
* should be retained beyond that time, please add your comments
* to GWT <a href=
* ""
* >issue 3102</a>
public <H extends EventHandler> void removeHandler(X10GwtEvent.Type<H> type, final H handler) {
if (firingDepth > 0) {
enqueueRemove(type, handler);
} else {
doRemove(type, handler);

* Not part of the public API, available only to allow visualization tools
* to be developed in gwt-incubator.
* @return a map of all handlers in this handler manager
Map<X10GwtEvent.Type<?>, ArrayList<?>> createHandlerInfo() {

private void defer(AddOrRemoveCommand command) {
if (deferredDeltas == null) {
deferredDeltas = new ArrayList<AddOrRemoveCommand>();

private <H extends EventHandler> void doAdd(X10GwtEvent.Type<H> type, final H handler) {
registry.addHandler(type, handler);

private <H extends EventHandler> void doRemove(X10GwtEvent.Type<H> type, final H handler) {
registry.removeHandler(type, handler);

private <H extends EventHandler> void enqueueAdd(final X10GwtEvent.Type<H> type, final H handler) {
defer(new AddOrRemoveCommand() {
public EventHandler execute() {
doAdd(type, handler);
return handler;

private <H extends EventHandler> void enqueueRemove(final X10GwtEvent.Type<H> type, final H handler) {
defer(new AddOrRemoveCommand() {
public EventHandler execute() {
doRemove(type, handler);
return null;

private <H extends EventHandler> List<H> handleQueuedAddsAndRemoves() {
List<H> handlers = new ArrayList<H>(10);
if (deferredDeltas != null) {
try {
for (AddOrRemoveCommand c : deferredDeltas) {
EventHandler newHander = c.execute();
/*ISSUE 101*/
if(newHander != null){
handlers.add((H) newHander);
} finally {
deferredDeltas = null;
return handlers;

Extended GWTEvent :: X10GWTEvent

* This is customized version of GWTEvent provided by google. The purpose of this
* extension is to enable user triggered events to bypass ISSUE 101
* Fixed ISSUE 101: To support event handling when event handlers are added as part of event processing
* Copyright 2009 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.myxyz.custom;


* Root of all GWT events. All GWT events are considered dead and should no
* longer be accessed once the {@link X10HandlerManager} which originally fired
* the event finishes with it. That is, don't hold on to event objects outside
* of your handler methods.
* @param <H>
* handler type
public abstract class X10GwtEvent<H extends EventHandler> {
* Type class used to register events with the {@link X10HandlerManager}.
* <p>
* Type is parameterized by the handler type in order to make the addHandler
* method type safe.
* </p>
* @param <H>
* handler type
public static class Type<H> {
private static int nextHashCode;
private final int index;

* Constructor.
public Type() {
index = ++nextHashCode;

// We override hash code to make it as efficient as possible.
public final int hashCode() {
return index;

public String toString() {
return "Event type";

private boolean dead;

private Object source;

* Constructor.
protected X10GwtEvent() {

* Returns the type used to register this event. Used by handler manager to
* dispatch events to the correct handlers.
* @return the type
public abstract Type<H> getAssociatedType();

* Returns the source that last fired this event.
* @return object representing the source of this event
public Object getSource() {
return source;

* This is a method used primarily for debugging. It gives a string
* representation of the event details. This does not override the toString
* method because the compiler cannot always optimize toString out
* correctly. Event types should override as desired.
* @return a string representing the event's specifics.
public String toDebugString() {
String name = this.getClass().getName();
name = name.substring(name.lastIndexOf(".") + 1);
return "event: " + name + ":";

* The toString() for abstract event is overridden to avoid accidently
* including class literals in the the compiled output. Use
* {@link GwtEvent} #toDebugString to get more information about the
* event.
public String toString() {
return "An event type";

* Asserts that the event still should be accessed. All events are
* considered to be "dead" after their original handler manager finishes
* firing them. An event can be revived by calling
* {@link GwtEvent#revive()}.
protected void assertLive() {
assert (!dead) : "This event has already finished being processed by its original handler manager, so you can no longer access it";

* Should only be called by {@link X10HandlerManager}. In other words, do
* not use or call.
* @param handler
* handler
protected abstract void dispatch(H handler);

* Is the event current live?
* @return whether the event is live
protected final boolean isLive() {
return !dead;

* Kill the event. After the event has been killed, users cannot really on
* its values or functions being available.
protected void kill() {
dead = true;
source = null;

* Revives the event. Used when recycling event instances.
protected void revive() {
dead = false;
source = null;

* Set the source that triggered this event.
* @param source
* the source of this event, should only be set by a
* {@link X10HandlerManager}
void setSource(Object source) {
this.source = source;

Extended HandlerRegistration :: X10HandlerRegistration

* This is customized version of HandlerRegistration provided by google. The purpose of this
* extension is to enable user triggered events to bypass ISSUE 101
* Fixed ISSUE 101: To support event handling when event handlers are added as part of event processing
* Copyright 2008 Google Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not
* use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under
* the License.
package org.myxyz.custom;

import org.myxyz.custom.X10GwtEvent.Type;

* Default implementation of {@link HandlerRegistration}.
public class X10HandlerRegistration implements HandlerRegistration {

private final X10HandlerManager manager;
private final EventHandler handler;
private final Type<?> type;

* Creates a new handler registration.
* @param <H>
* Handler type
* @param manager
* the handler manager
* @param type
* the event type
* @param handler
* the handler
protected <H extends EventHandler> X10HandlerRegistration(X10HandlerManager manager, Type<H> type, H handler) {
this.manager = manager;
this.handler = handler;
this.type = type;

* Removes the given handler from its manager.
@SuppressWarnings( { "unchecked", "deprecation" })
// This is safe because when the elements were passed in they conformed to
// Type<H>,H.
public void removeHandler() {
manager.removeHandler((Type<EventHandler>) type, handler);

EventHandler getHandler() {
return handler;

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Event handling in GXT-GWT

This is the way I like to handle events. Note the ease with which the MessageSenders and MessageListeners can be "weaved" using aop/annotations. Unfortunately, I am not going the aop way for the time being.

The big picture:

Architecture diagram of a GWT-GXT application

Using a message listener

Using a message sender

The SubmitButtonListener is a button listener. I tend to separate UI events from business/semantic events. The message sender is used to fire the event. There is another reason why this separation was required, GWT EventHandler code cannot register listeners, while a event is being processed. I re-wrote the custom code and wanted to use it only for semantic events.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Event Bus and event handling

Event bus is a rather simple notion, that is of great aid. Think of a telephone network; to communicate between two ends, one would require a line of communication. In most programming languages, an object reference serves this purpose. Having a line of communication between any two end-points quickly becomes a problem with a complexity of O(N^2). Simple combinatorics says we need nC2 lines i.e N(N-1)/2 lines between N unique parties.

Telephone exchanges provide a rather good solution to this. Instead of creating a line between every end-point. We create a line to the exchange for every new party. So N parties would need N lines. This is an O(N) solution, with a linear ordering. How does this look in program terms? There are several solutions, but I prefer the one describe here. I prefer distinguishing MessageSenders, MessageListeners, so I typically create two classes for each. Then I need a MessageExchange, which happens to be a listener as well as a sender. All senders speak with the exchange and all listeners listen against the exchange. The exchange broadcasts any event received to all the parties.

I have ignored one finer aspect of this pattern, The message itself. Messages are typically implementation specific. In java I prefer to use PropertyEvent. This is a generic event which takes three arguments: EventName, OldValue, NewValue. This generic nature of the event suits me really well. I tried incorporating the same philosophy in GWT. The listeners are called MessageHandlers in GWT. However, the GWT message handlers have an inherent problem ( as of GWT 2.0). Whilst an event is being processed, other handlers cannot be hooked up and hence cannot receive events. I had to rewrite the contract to fix this. More on this in the next post.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Event models and Event driven programming

Traditional web applications have a sequential flow, A form which is filled and submitted to controller, and some magic before showing a html page. Rich GUI on the other hand supported event driven flow. A button clicked on form causes the controller/presenter to sense data from widgets (data-binding), then some magic and finally a view is shown to the user. If the logic of rendering is built into view it is MVC, if any intermediate intelligent helper is present it is MVP. Until the advent of AJAX, web applications could not benefit from event driven style of programming. Reason: server-side code could not listen on client side entities.

What is event driven code any way? Lets understand what is not event driven. A program is typically a list of chores. This is procedural. The program is to be thought of a continuous loop only pausing for inputs. Once an input is given the program runs and marks an internal state (session state). Then there is another input, the program again runs and updates the internal state. Some of these states are shown to the user using conditional logic. This is not important, the important point is to note how the program is processing inputs in a sequential pattern. In case you are wondering, I made the most blatant assumptions about multi-tasking abilities of the underlying process. In reality, the inputs are accepted in a different thread/process and passed on using multi-threading and multi-processing. Thus simulating the concurrent execution and support for multi-user paradigm.

In event driven, the program is thought to be comprised of multiple standalone modules each of which can be triggered independently. A user inputs triggers only portions of program, depending on their nature. The state is set in these portions. The user inputs assume no sequential flow. There can be multiple triggers and no assumptions are made about order of triggering. The keyboard is a good analogy, to play a tune the user selects the keys and changes the state. Most real world tasks are event-driven. Unfortunately, in CS the mind set is rather procedural.

Do you see any problems with event-driven approach? Event driven code relies on underlying sequential code. This causes unwanted side-effects. For eg: if the code itself is capable of creating events or user triggers multiple events the order in which events are raised cause a huge furore, nearly impossible to debug as they are difficult to be repeated. I once had a code which ran perfectly in debug mode when I was stepping through and just refused to yield in run mode. Mea-culpa. The solution prevent user-inputs when undesired (by locking the application). Try to queue up events if required.

Another problem, the observer-observable pattern causes a mesh. It is nearly impossible to keep track of who is listening to whom. The whereabouts of event are cryptic when visualising the big picture. Another problem, the observers need a handle/reference to observable. So there would be unwanted reference propagation. The solution, I call it message exchange. I tried to address this issue by making a bulletin analogy. Observables are only observed by the bulletin, in turn the bulletin takes the responsibility of broadcasting the events globally. Observers only listen to bulletin. The bulletin is sort of radio station or telephone exchange.

Think of this mathematical problem, if there are N houses with telephones and each of them need a line to call other, how many lines are required? N(N-1)/2 is the answer. It is O(N^2). For 10 houses it would be 45, for 12 houses it is 66. A difference of 2 and see the extra lines required. With a message exchange the increase is linear. For 10 houses we need 10 lines and for 12 houses it is 12 lines. The penalty is paid in real-world in terms of dropped calls or busy tones. Under the sufficient assumption that computers are fast, we can get away with this. However, it is always a good practice to freeze the application and thus preventing unwanted inputs. One may wonder about concurrency, in a properly designed application the freeze would be applicable for a single user (especially session state). Another advantage of message exchange is the ability to debug/analyse the application. The testability of application also improves greatly.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Patterns to UI, MVC and MVP

To begin with the most common patterns are MVC and MVP. Model View Controller and Model View Presenter, for the few who may not know. Both of them deal with one major fact, categorising or boxing intelligence. Model represents an idea and actions that can be conducted. Controller performs the actions and decides when/where/whether or not to perform the actions. View is the camera man or the commentator who showcases the whole play. MVC unfortunately is interpreted in a diverse fashion. Presenters on other hand act like the intelligent chaps on whom view can rely. Having a separate intelligent view model changes most MVC architectures to MVP. The view model needs to provide information required for rendering widgets and hence is a composition of other view models. If the view observes view model/presenter it is called passive MVP, on the other hand if view model dictates the changes it is active MVP.

Think of it as an orchestra, model is the theme Bethoven/Mozart/Bollywood dance/Americal Idol etc. Controller is the composer/director. S/he directs/delegates to the actors. The camera just captures the show. To do that effectively, the view needs to understand what is to be shown. The camera doesn't show the whole act - the rehearsals/the makeup/the merchandise are all skipped. This knowledge is obtained from the controller. If the spectators come to a decision based on the view and trigger appropriate action. The action needs to be understood by controller. The dumb view cannot do that, so it has one more trick, a mechanism to convey intent to Controller. Note that view and controller are mostly aware of each other. This is MVC-1, Another option is to keep the view unaware of controller and model making use of observer pattern (pure MVC). Often, as it is perceived that view is a reflection of model rather than controller, the view acts as an observer on model. So changes made by controller on model are immediately shown to user.

The most important facts about MVC now. However, there is an additional overhead in MVC. The view is not a simple reflection of model. View is a bells and whistles representation. Like putting up a high-light color for invalid values or showing a tabular list. Where does this logic go? In traditional MVC, the answer is open for interpretation. Some use another layer of objects say a view model that listens on model and computes the logic required by the dumb view. This can be orchestrated by the controller where view model is another controller(pure MVC) or can be a direct observer on model, thus acting as a view model (MVC-1). Both of them can be called variants of Presentation model (as both address the grievances of view).

MVP is similar but different, Model View Presenter skips the controller part. MVC mostly deals with full-fledged views and doesn't care about widgets. MVP emphasies on widgets and view constituents. In the later view is not a single entity, but a structure of entities. The rational for MVP comes from the observation that, in UI models there is little need for controller arbitration. There is a new guy called presentation model who is understood by views and who manipulates the models. How is it different from Controller. They are similar remember, the controller doesn't speak of widgets, controller speaks of forms and content to be shown. Presenter speaks to widgets. Controller orchestrates the symphony between view and model. Presenter orchestrates only view and observes the model. Most often you realise that view and controller are coupled to form a presenter. MVP is what most of us desire as the explicit flow dictation by controller is too cumbersome (if I am allowed to say so).

An analogy for MVP, think of a refrigerator with automatic defrost feature. The user puts water into the frost shelf. The fridge senses the frost levels time to time (observes) and turns on/off the power. In sense the fridge is a presentor model. If it were MVC, the user puts water in the freezer and explictly states the time (to avoid frost). Checks the frost level and adjusts the cooling level. The interactions are explicit, the fridge doesn't sense changes, the user senses them and in turn becomes the controller.

In your application, you can detect the pattern used (MVC or MVP) by looking for the intelligence built into the code. In case of MVP the presenters are fully automated and pass information to widgets. In case of MVC, the rendering intelligence is pushed to view.

Coffee cup analogy to code/design aesthetics

Code aesthetics are often understated, good developers copy, great developers don't care and greater ones steal. Larry Wall once said: "easy things are easy and hard things are possible". Nothing else in the world gives a better description when it comes to requirement realisation. Most of us have read design patterns and have understood code etiquette. Some great programmers don't, they get away with it owing to their greatness, but the code monster catches up. It is said that if smart code is written, then you need to be 200% smarter to debug it. The essence of people centered development can thus be simplified as writing simple code which other educated peers can easily grasp.

There is often as debate on whether HTML/XML are to be construed as programming languages. To start the discussion they are not turing complete, and one of them is a mark up language and other is a data descriptor. What is turing complete, in simple words any language that can simulate condition branching (if-else) and goto (evil JMP) are turing complete. They in essence can read any arbitrary input and act upon it. HTML and XML don't qualify in this regards. What about GUI? GUI is just an abstract realisation of underlying program. Imagine a coffee cup, the coffee is the essence, the cup is the interface. It is not coffee, however it is a coffee cup when it holds coffee. Without coffee it is any other cup. Same with GUI, gui becomes the app just as coffee-cup is synonymous with coffee.

An application can do several things; a coffee cup can only serve one task, provide access to coffee. Keep this in mind. Most of us do this, and complain about nasty the application is :(. It is the cup that is spoiling the taste not the coffee par say. The cup might be leaking or cracking or lacking an handle, this spoils the whole coffee experience. So the greatness of coffee cannot be appreciated without a good cup. The cup need not be aesthetic, it is not required to be a masterpiece, it needs to do one thing that matters the most.

Laws that govern usability and pragmatic usage

Fitts' law

Fitts' law is quite intuitive, even a toddler knows that, you always go for the largest cookie/candy/cake/blah-blah...; even when it doesn't fit in the mouth. Might be the evolutionary instinct to pick up the most healthy objects! Well human vision can broadly perceive two kinds of visual inputs. Our brains are fine tuned to focus (a predatory trait), when we do that our peripheral vision takes a back seat. Then we do have peripheral vision, which kicks in autonomic-ally; more like a gag reflex. Like seeing a car coming or ball being passed from the back of your eye. Practice can enhance these traits, an archer would focus where as a ping-pong player relies on the lateral part.

Reading involves focus, so when someone looks at the screen, s/he immediately feels an urge to know what's around. So any attention grabbing activity attracts attention. The essence of this rule is simple, try to keep things together and highlight the action arena by making it big and closer to points in focus. Also, avoid placing unwanted focus-grabbers (remember lack of annoyances). Areas of application: Buttons, Labels, images, check boxes and radio buttons and almost every thinkable UI component that supports mouse activity.

Steerings' Law

Fitts' law highlights the point and click activity, Steerings' law extrapolates it to 'drag/draw' action. Wondering about things that fit into this? Stylus and tablets and pens and laser-pointers and touch-screens and pinch gestures WHOA... never thought of this before. On a typical application, you tend to use scroll-bars which `were` bad-ass as per this rule, (no wonder eldery folks hate UI). Try to customize the scrollbar, even more problems, people who have learnt UI rarely recognize the customized scrollbars. Now you have two problems. The you may have cross-browser issues (hundred's of problems).

So why are we even discussing this. Some widgets are not that popular and can benefit from steering's law. For example, most image-editing apps have a palette, It is customary nowadays to enable drag and drop on palette contents (point-click-relax and point-click-relax vs. point-click-drag-relax with focus thrown somewhere in between). Every such widget needs to support margin of motion. The user should never be constricted to a specific area.

On a side note: How to improve scroll bar? Add a on-hover effect which enlarges the scroll bar making it easier to click.

Crossing action is rarely seen supported in most UI applications, so we will put is aside for the time being.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Laws that govern usability

Paraphrased and extracted form Wikipedia:

Fitts' law: The time required to rapidly move to a target area is a function of the distance to and the size of the target. Fitts's law is used to model the act of pointing.

Consequence, use big areas and try to keep them close to preceding action area. If it is not possible try to increase distance between conflicting hotspots, to help preferred areas.

Content 1: ---------- o Content 2: ---------- [ ]
---------- ----------

Content 3: ---------- [ ]

Accot-Zhai_steering_law: It is easier/faster to navigate through a wider tunnel than a narrower one. Also, it is easier to navigate through a tunnel with thinner wall(s).

Consequence, for fluid motion - enable more space. That is don't force the user to perform orthogonal tasks (straight drags) provide margin of action.

Example 1:

---------- Hard ----------
| | -- \ | |
| | -- / | |
---------- ----------

Dragging/moving from left to right, is harder in above case than that in below.

----- -----
| | Easy | |
| | ---\ | |
| | ---/ | |
| | | |
| | | |
----- -----

Laws of crossing: It is easier to cross an object in a perpendicular direction. Crossing is an action which looks like a strike (drag) and is considered to be easier to achieve than pointing.

Using past illustration, crossing (top to down) is harder in Example 2 than in Example 1.

Usability a simplified and quantified

In continuation to the long rant, which I felt didn't do justice to aspiring learners; I decided to come up with a more tangible definition. Usability is all about not having annoyances or minimising them to such a level that people can easily adapt. What are annoyances? Nice question, to quantify a good user friendly app we need to quantify annoyances. Annoyances in this article are quantified with a margin/window of acceptability. There cannot be an absolute definition.

Annoyances story

The user who sits before any tool, intends to convey his intention and get his work done. The ability to convey the intention needs to be of absolute priority. Every step that separates him from the goal is annoyance. What are the possible intermediateries? Think of what all can be done with the tool, say the computer. Typing, clicking, drag-drop, scroll, context-switching, reading... name it. All these are annoyances. Unfortunately we cann't communicate telepathically. So we have to rely on these. Think of a series of actions that take the user closer to the action/intent. The shortest sequence of steps wins the game. This is usability.

So if some of you feel that, counting all these alternatives and arriving at a conclusion is usability, you are bang on. Usability has nothing to do with a GUI application. A command line app can also suffer from these pitfalls. For example: the simple `rm` command on unix, which deletes a file or files can be used as an illustration. rm *.c deletes all c files in the current directory, however before each delete it prompts for user interference. This is an annoyance, a useful one if the deletion is unintentional, but an annoyance in intentional cases. This command has another thoughtful alternative `rm -f`, which forces the delete action with out user interference.

Some common examples of usability in this scenario, are ability to perform direct actions, like click of a button or by a sequence of keystrokes. Toolbars and Menubars are excellent examples of these.

Focus and friends

Another aspect of usability is not to dissuade/distract the user. How do we inadvertently do this? By causing the user to pay attention to lots of unwanted detail. MS-Office does this, try looking at the menu/tool options. This is still better than other alternatives. Exposing a great deal of information causes user to loose his/her focus. Focus is the keyword. Think of it as a snipers scope. The field of vision is pretty much narrowed. This actually forms a circular picture. However, we rarely see circular interfaces. IPod is a brilliant exception though. Why don't we see them? It was not always the case, In case you had seen a grandfather radio with round knobs, you would realise it. Early mechanical devices had this. Most dslr cameras have similar dials.

GUI apps are intended to convey textual information for the most part. One can argue about multi-media and graphical representations, but let us generalize a bit. Humans are taught to read text in a linear fashion, horizontally or vertically depending on the cultural and linguistic backdrop. Circles don't use space effectively. If you were to fill a box with balls against cubes, there would be empty spaces. This is another reason. The space efficient ones are not used to save space but on the contrary, to emphasize on space. Space is a very important aspect. Reason, it helps people focus better, what is easier to identify a needle in a haystack or a needle on a table?

To enable better focus, space is a pre-requisite. What else? Well contrast and Fitt's law. Imagine borat in a corporate setting, funny and easily catches attention. Imagine him on a beach setting, not as easy to see. Contrast here implies ability to stand-out of the context. Fitt's law speaks of the same. Yes, I mentioned it earlier, Fitt's law in simple terms: The larger the object and closer to the context, the easier it gets picked.

No silver bullets

Adherence to above points doesn't result in usable apps, non-adherence causes annoying apps. Remember our definition of usability, eliminate annoyances. Confusing words in the first line? Well let me explain, It is important to understand rules so that we know how to break them. Adherence only helps in understanding, non-adherence at times help improve upon them. Lets see an example. Regardless of what I have stated, users like to focus, in fact so much that they become impatient if there is nothing to focus. Like the waiting time for a screen to load. So we need to distract their focus, causing them to switch to some other annoyance (a minor one), like a animation or a simple message or a change of color. This minor details make a lot of difference.

Ghosts that haunt

So simply put, usability is ease of focusing and features aiding in focusing. Lets see some anti-focus patterns. Small text is a killer, the focal circle contains too much detail. Asking for user interference is another killer, ever heard of UAC in Windows Vista. To be fair, a security concious person likes it, I do and I am a sceptic :). If a distraction comes up and goes away repetitively, it is an annoyance. For example, alert sounds or animations begging for attention. Do you know that certain visuals can induce epilepsy in certain demographics? You wont' certainly like talking to their lawyers, would you. Another major annoyance is small UI controls that violate Fitts' law. Why in the world is a radio button/check box so small? If you adhere to web standards, you would notice that clicking on the label lets to select the small UI control. Try yahoo, Pretty convenient isn't it. The problem with UI controls is that, the vendor owns them, and it is difficult to have customised UI controls. Note to self: let your grand-ma try the UI before shipping it.

Finally, device dependent interfaces have their own faulty assumptions. Some people are happy using mouse (most windows users). Some others with keyboard (Vi editor any one). Focus switching on an app needs to consider these two major demographics (at least, if I may add). In the next article we shall see some key components and their strengths and weaknesses.

::The most intuitive interface know to mankind is the nipple, the rest are just leant::

What makes UI development painful

UI development is a strange area, almost everyone loves it. Almost, everyone in the beginning. Then there are haters, almost everyone hates code developed by others. Then comes a new demographic, those how hate their own code. Why is it such a tumultuous relationship?

To understand this, we need to understand the relative frame of reference or the background perspective. Most developers don't work on UI for the most part of their time. They work of back-end solutions which require little user interaction. Like a automation which takes inputs once and then goes on its way. The results are not very apparent, until someone tests them. The defects once fixed are mostly fixed (subjective really, but assuming presence of a skilled person). There would be new defects but not the same ones and people perceive the end result in a boolean fashion (YES it works or NO).

UI on the other hand is an aesthetic, scientific and subjective dilemma.


Not the ones you perceive, whilst I agree that visual aesthetics are required, I am not speaking of them. What I mean to state is the design aesthetics, how easy it is for a complete stranger (who happens to be developer) to appreciate the classiness of code, ease of fixing and tweaking.


kick me if you want, usability is a science, a cultural philosophy, a psychological undertaking. How many of us have read this, let alone understand? Added to this is the technical complexity, does my solution e platform support these features? do the requirement specs agree with this?


This is slightly different from usability, as the usability definition covers the most part. I will relent if someone claims this needs to be grouped under usability, but it is my blog buddy. I call it subjective because of one question, When was the last time you were absolutely sure that your POV is same as that of the worlds. Not even mass media (cinema, popular literature, advts.) achieve this.

In the beginning, UI is all green and hunky-dory. I want a button/panel/widget/name it, I write and see it immediately. Wow from self, Wow from boss, Wow from stakeholders. Then comes the ugly monster, "Its all nice, now I need this and want this". Ok, a minor setback. Go back, jump into your RAMBO pants to save the world and achieve this. Not bad is it, repeat this 100 times. The testing team, the users, the changing requirements, the neighbourhood kid, grandma next door...God-dammit, stop! had enough. The world is insane, I quit. Then the boss says, dude what do I pay you for. Get it done. A big sigh.

Why so many questions? Simple, UI evolves and everyone perceives it. It is not taken for granted like back-end code. So where to start-off, Keep the following in mind.

  1. Nothing is perfect, not even the solution architecture being used. Ever heard of leaky abstractions? Go google it

  2. Design patterns are not meant to be read, but practiced

  3. Learn, learn alot; read, read a lot; what ticks, what doesn't; how the technology works. Question everything. Try to mimic the ones you liked

  4. People complain of minor annoyances, because repeated annoyances are irky. Annoyances force them to learn, A good UI is forgiving and robust, if they miss these they will complain. Ask any windows user who moved to MAC

  5. Don't try to write smart code or quick fixes. You need to be twice as smart to debug it/fix it. Invest time. If you don't have time now, how will you spare it later on?

I will post about tricks that will save the day in later posts. Keep reading.

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About Me

Well for a start, I dont' want to!. Yes I am reclusive, no I am not secretive; Candid? Yes; Aspergers? No :). My friends call me an enthusiast, my boss calls me purist, I call myself an explorer, to summarise; just an inquisitive child who didnt'learn to take things for granted. For the sake of living, I work as a S/W engineer. If you dont' know what it means, turn back right now.