Reality is a perception. Perceptions are not always based on facts, and are strongly influenced by illusions. Inquisitiveness is hence indispensable

Monday, March 12, 2007

Yahoo! sounds

Last week I checked web for voice offerings. I was looking for cheap and reliable voice based offering. Guess what! I found that Yahoo has the best offering, I can call USA for just 1 cent per min. I had to pay 10$ for this and I have got atleast 1000min of talk time. Luckily I have a good net connection and I brag about the same :)

Skype comes close but at 2 cents per min they made my decision easier. You all know where my 2 cents went, don't' you.

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About Me

Well for a start, I dont' want to!. Yes I am reclusive, no I am not secretive; Candid? Yes; Aspergers? No :). My friends call me an enthusiast, my boss calls me purist, I call myself an explorer, to summarise; just an inquisitive child who didnt'learn to take things for granted. For the sake of living, I work as a S/W engineer. If you dont' know what it means, turn back right now.